Email Directory and Telephone Numbers for CLEET Staff
Last Name Begins With: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
All Area Codes Are (405) Unless Otherwise Noted Fax Numbers are all 405 Area Code
To email: click on the name of the individual you are trying to contact.
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Anderson, Clay Law Enforcement Instructor 405-239-5174
Atkeson, Breanna Administrative Technician Supervisor, Private Security 405-239-5168
Austin, Evan Law Enforcement Instructor 405-239-5172
Babb, Michael Law Enforcement Instructor 405-239-5144
Brey, Bret Mechanic 405-239-5132
Burtzos, David Laborer II 405-239-5104
Canada, Justin Accountant I 405-239-5137
Christian, Brooke Public Information Manager II 405-239-5143 Cell: 405-435-8226
Cissne,Tami Field Representative Cell: 405-546-0159
Cogburn, Vera Legal Secretary III 405-239-5157
Cowger, Christopher Housekeeping/Custodial Worker II 405-239-5104
Radford Dew Field Rep Cell: 405-435-0839
Draper, Preston Chief Counsel 405-239-5169
Bobby Floyd Field Rep Cell: 405-435-0755
Lisa Frazer Housekeeping/Custodial Worker II 405-239-5142
Green, Kaitlynne Administrative Technician II-PS 405-239-5148
Ricky Gunkel Field Rep 405-435-0841
Haines, Matt Law Enforcement Instructor 405-546-9354
Hebert, Jeanelle Law Enforcement Instructor 405-239-5125
Holloway, James COP Coordinator / Field Representative Cell: 405-226-0338
Houser, Vonnie Field Rep 405-546-0389
Lowrance, Shelly HR Programs Manager I 405 239-5152
Loyd, Jana Academy Administrative Assistant 405 239-5135
Maxwell, Alysha Administrative Tech II-LE 405-239-5166
Maxwell, Cordell Asst. Academy Coordinator / Law Enforcement Instructor 405-239-5140
Marion, John Field Rep 405-546-9354
McCullough, Kevin Field Rep Supervisor Cell: 405-226-0327
McDonald, Branden Construction/Maintenance Tech II 405-239-5175
Mills, Elleigh Administrative Technician Supervisor, Law Enforcement 405-239-5151
Murphy, Shawna Business Manager 405-239-5177
Nail, James Law Enforcement Instructor 405-239-5156
Noble, Joe Construction/Maintenance Tech III 405-239-5104
Palmer, Mike Laborer II 405-239-5104
Pettigrew, Trent Training Academy Coordinator 405-239-5173
Potter, Jason Chief of Operations 405-239-5128
Robnett, Rebecca Administrative Tech I-PS 405-239-5115
Rowden, Janey Chief of Staff 405-239-5120
Scott, Billy Law Enforcement Instructor 405-239-5100
Sebourn, Joe Law Enforcement Instructor 405-239-5122
Shropshire, Abigayle Legal Intern
Smith, Lesley Legal Secretary II 405-239-5139
Stacy, Darry Executive Director 405-239-5150
Sutton, Josh Facilities Manager 405-239-5127
Taylor, Mike Information Systems Manager 405-239-5158
Terry, Curt Field Representative 405-226-0328
Todd, Shirley Administrative Tech II-LE/ DDAC & BDAC 405-239-5106
Accountant I
Walthall, Jana Administrative Tech I-PS 405-239-5112
West, Janesa Administrative Tech III-PS / PSAC 405-239-5113
Whipple, Craig Construction/Maintenance Tech II 405-239-5175
Williams, Marcus Deputy Director 405-239-5145
Wilson, Theresa Administrative Tech II-PS 405-239-5164
Last updated/reviewed August 10, 2022