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Site Manager


After logging into the Go Gov! Web Management Suite, the "Site Manager" page will automatically appear.


The "Site Manager" is the main page of the GoGov! Web Management Suite."Site Manager" allows you to add, remove and edit your agency's Web site pages, directories and links.



Directory   Folder_directory.gif
Page  Page_Log_view.gif
Link   Chain_link.gif

A directory is a section of your agency's Web site and will become a link in the left navigation menu. When a visitor selects that 'Directory', they will be directed to another page displaying the information included in that directory.

Example:   Open the following web page: http://www.ok.gov

Each one of the text links in the left navigation menu is a directory. Select one of the directories in the left navigation menu. It will open a
new page displaying that directory's information.


A page is a single file of your agency's Web site. It is not a directory therefore it will not appear in the left navigation menu.


Example:   Open the following web page: http://www.ok.gov

Select one of the directories in the left navigation menu. It will open a
new page displaying that directory's information.

A link is a link to an external URL. As shown in the image above, the links are NOT underlined, but do have the yellow arrows allowing you to change the appearance order in conjunction with directories.

Example:   Open the following web page: http://www.ok.gov

Links are often in blue text and are underlined (like the example above), but an image can be linked as well.  Text and Images can be linked to:

  1. An external Web site
  2. An internal location in the current Web site
  3. A Document (Word, PDF, etc...)
  4. An e-mail address
NOTE: Within the Site Manager, directories and links can be re-positioned using the Yellow_Arrow_up.gifYellow_Arrow_down.gif arrows.  However, pages cannot be re-positioned.


Site Manager Options


While in "Site Manager," on the right side of each page, directory and link is an "Options" menu displaying the following buttons: 






View Log







As you hold your cursor over each button, a message will appear telling you what each button does.   



This is the
"Edit" button. It allows you to edit the page or directory's content.


Trash Can
This is the
"Delete" button. It allows you to delete the page or directory in its entirety.


Log File
This is the
"View Log" button. It allows you to view an activity log of the page or directory, telling you who has worked on it and when they worked on it.


Magnifying Glass
This is the
"Preview" button. It allows you to preview how your page or directory will look if you were to publish it live on the Internet.

Publish Green Arrow
This is the
"Publish" button. It allows you to publish the page or directory to your agency's Web site live on the Internet