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Inserting a Link

Step 1:
First you must insert an image or type the text that you want to be a link.


Step 2:
Then, highlight the image or text and select the "Insert Hyperlink" button.
It will open the window shown below.


Step 3:
Select what type of link you would like to create:

  • Document Link:  (Link to existing link on that page.) "Current Document" will display a list of links within the current page which you are working. Click on the link you want to link to.
  • Internal Link:  (Link to page, directory, bookmark, or document in your Web site.)  "Web Links" will display a list of all pages, directories and documents in you Web site. Click on the page, directory or document you want to link to.  
  • External Link:  (Link to an external URL.)  "Address" allows you to type or paste in a URL to an specified destination or external URL.  Note:  URL's must be exact
  • E-mail Link:  (Link to an e-mail address.)  "E-mail Address" will display a page for you to enter an E-mail address and subject for the E-mail.  "Predefined E-mail addresses" will display a list of E-mail addresses you have already linked to on that page.

Image of Hyperlink Insert Page

Step 4:
Edit "Screen Tip" if needed.  This allows you to add or change the accessibility tag associated with that link. When previewing the page or directory, a pointing finger will appear when you roll your cursor over a linked image or text.  A text box will then appear displaying your "Screen Tip". 


Step 5:
Select "Target Frame" if needed.  This allows you to determine how your link will open up to the user. Generally you will only use this drop down menu when you want the link to open into a "New Window".


Updating a Link

Step 1:
Select the linked image or text.

Step 2:
Right-click on the image or text and select "Hyperlink Properties".

Step 3:
Update the information in the box that appears and then select "OK".

Removing a Link
If you have a linked image or text that you no longer want linked, simply click on the image or text and select  "Remove Hyperlink" or select the "Unlink" button at the top. Unlinks the current selection