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Inserting an Bookmark

A bookmark allows you to place links on a page that direct the user to a different area further down or up on that same page. It removes the need for the user to scroll up or down extensive pages.

Step 1:
Select a small amount of text at the top of the area you are wanting to direct your user to.

Step 2:
Select the 'Bookmark' button. 
Insert a new bookmark

Step 3:
Name the bookmark. Keep the name short and simple.

Step 4:
Highlight the text you want your user to click in order to direct them to the area where you just placed the bookmark.

Step 5:
Click the 'Insert/Edit Link' button. 
Insert or edit a link

Step 6:
Select 'Places in Documents' and select the bookmark you just created.

The text will now appear blue and underlined.

When the user clicks the link, they will be directed to the area in which your bookmarker was placed.