Workers' Comp, Insurance and Social Security Fraud Complaint Form
* Indicates Required Field
Please provide the Attorney General's Office with your contact information: |
(no dashes e.g. 5554443333) |
(no dashes e.g. 5554443333) |
Please provide the following information about the business or individual againt whom you are filing a complaint. |
(no dashes e.g. 5554443333) |
(no dashes e.g. 444552222) |
(Format: mm/dd/yyyy)
If you believe you have supporting documents, such as pictures, that might assist us in reviewing your complaint, you may submit copies of these below. You may also send copies of such supporting documents, along with a print copy of this completed complaint form, via U.S. Mail to: Oklahoma Attorney General, attention: Workers' Comp, 313 NE 21st St, Oklahoma City, OK 73105. |
Submission of this form requires Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher (with Compatibility Mode off), Firefox, or Google Chrome. |