Kathy Hart Executive Director (405) 522-3443 khart@pels.ok.gov |
Taylor Aizenman Assistant Director/Compliance Manager (405) 522-3328taizenman@pels.ok.gov |
Teresa Anderson License Renewal Specialist (405) 522-3446tanderson@pels.ok.gov |
Ryan DanielsCompliance Investigator (405) 522-3358 rdaniels@pels.ok.gov |
Sherrie Dyer Communications and Outreach Strategist (405) 522-3325 sdyer@pels.ok.gov |
Rachel SingerApplication Specialist (405) 522-3366rsinger@pels.ok.gov |
Mary Dreves-HartApplications and Communications Strategist (405) 522-3426 mdreves@pels.ok.gov |
Benton DouglasBusiness Manager (405) 522-3429bdouglas@pels.ok.gov |
Bruce Pitts, P.L.S.Principal Assistant (405) 522-3445bpitts@pels.ok.gov |
Darin Raibourn, P.L.S.Surveyor Project/Compliance Manager (405) 522-3355draibourn@pels.ok.gov |